


My fair Lady, 1964

Film version of the Pygmalion myth, inspired by the homonymous play by Irish writer G.B. Shaw (1856-1950). The snobby eccentric linguist Henry Higgins's vulgar language arouses so much the interest of the eccentric and linguist Henry Higgins that he makes a risky bet: he agrees to pass her off as a lady of high society within six months.

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My fair lady


170 min.

United States

Directed by: George Cukor

Screenplay: Alan Jay Lerner.

Artwork: George Bernard Shaw

Music: André Previn

Photography: Harry Stradling Sr.

Cast: Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison, Stanley Holloway, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Gladys Cooper, Jeremy Brett, Theodore Bikel, Mona Washbourne, Isobel Elsom, John Holland

Companies: Warner Bros.

Producer: Jack L. Warner

Genre: Musical, Romance. Comedy | Romantic comedy. Years 1910-1919



1964: 8 Oscars, including best picture, director, and actor. 12 nominations

1964: 3 Golden Globes, including Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy. 5 nominations

1964: BAFTA Awards: Best Film. 2 nominations

1964: Directors Guild of America (DGA): Best Director

1964: Writers Guild Writers (WGA): Nominated for Best Musical Screenplay

1964: New York Film Critics Circle: Best Picture and Actor (Harrison). 3 nominations
